Children are always welcome at St. Mark's. There are several programs throughout the year especially for children (the annual Easter Egg Hunt is one!)
Christian Education is important for our families to help teach about God's love. Although we have been in a transitional period without regular Christian education or "Sunday School," we are exploring new ways to share the Christian message.
If you'd like to bring your children to St. Mark's, would you share your thoughts?
- What time/day works best for you for a "Sunday School" experience?
- Would you be interested in bi-monthly children's time during the church service?
- Would a "kid-friendly" meal be an important consideration for your family?
- Email your thoughts or questions to St. Mark's at Enable JavaScript to view protected content.
Vacation Bible School is held during July every year!
St. Mark's helps support the Backpack Club that sends food home on weekends to families in need. Backpacks are prepared at the Baptist Church.